
Moseley Golf Club

Beginner to Golfer

Get into Golf

This is a great chance for anyone who has always fancied trying golf but doesn't know how to start. 

Session 1: Putting
Session 2: Chipping (low running shots)
Session 3: Pitching (high stopping shots)
Session 4: Introducing distance
Session 5: Recap

All equipment will be provided.  Wear comfortable clothing.


Cost £35 for the five sessions.  Maximum of 6 per group. Spaces are filling fast.

To register please give Martin a call on 0121 444 4957 (opt 1) or email him at

If this gets you excited then we will introduce you to our Beginner2Golfer scheme:

Beginner 2 Golfer

Enjoyed our Get Into Golf sessions and want more? Maybe you are returning to golf and are looking for a gentle way back? Then read on...

If you have found a new passion then the next step is to become part of my Beginner 2 Golfer School.

Based in the beautiful surroundings of Moseley Golf Club, this school includes:

  • Introductory meet and greet and clubhouse tour
  • Fortnightly group lessons with Martin Griffin
  • 6 x 30 minute one-to-one coaching sessions
  • Full use of all the practice areas
  • Use of the course at times agreed with the professional
  • Guidance on the rules and etiquette of golf
  • Our " Buddies" will help you every step of the way, either playing some holes or coming to your practice. 
  • Full use of the clubhouse facilities
  • A membership card to give you discount on food and drink purchases

Our aim is to help you get to a level of competence which will give you the confidence to take your game further and join Moseley Golf Club as a full playing member.

Starting dates in 2021 for the school are 1st May and 1st August

The cost? All of this for only £395.00

(which is the equivalent of less than £8 per week)

Please contact Martin via email or telephone 0121 444 4957 (Opt 1).

Springfield Road, King's Heath , Birmingham, B14 7DX | Tel: 0121 444 4957 | Email:

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